There's no picture to post this time, and I think it's appropriate given the nature of this post. I've been in the photo world for almost 5 years now and I still find myself fantasizing about being a photographer. It's great to love your job, but at some point...if you're not careful...the fantasizing will overtake the actual doing. You'll spend your time thinking of all the jobs you want to get, all the cool images you want to create, all the money you want to make instead of actually getting out there and making images. It's healthy to stay creative in your mind but you also have to actually make these things happen. And they don't happen in fantasy land. They happen by getting out there and shooting good images...and bad images. Getting cameras in your hands, finding locations, etc. Getting out there and socializing when you don't want to. Cold calling, sending promos, hustling.
One pitfall I continually get trapped in is perfection. I often avoid shooting an idea until every thing is perfect. The right model, the right location, the right idea. But then it becomes an excuse to NOT shoot, not be productive. I have to avoid this trap and continue to create new material. You do to.