Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ups and Downs

So, a lot has been going on around here. Ups and downs, which makes the picture above all the more appropriate. First the bad news. Lost my second big job of the year. Well, I didn't lose it...it just went away. I was hired by a magazine to shoot the star of a big movie coming out in the summer for their cover. The star is unknown now, but in big movie directed by a big director at a big studio. The greatest part is that they chose me out of many other local photographers (most of them peers that have been working a long time) AND they chose me for my style. That's really what all photographers work for. We are set except for the scheduling and the movie studio's PR stepped in. They like to keep strict control of their stars and decided to have an L.A. guy that they have a relationship with shoot it. So the job went away. At least they WANTED me, which at this stage of my career is almost as important as money. That little bit of acceptance drives me to keep going. I'm not too upset as I knew before hand that the PR guys like to work this way, just got to figure out how to become the PR guy's "go to guy".

Also, got to shoot a really cool personal project. I met a little girl whose family raises wolf-dogs. We shot a pretty bad-ass series that will be on my site within the next month. Keep looking for it.

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