Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't get it right.

So I haven't blogged in a while and it's as frustrating to me as it to any of you whom read what I write. The reason? I think I'm a perfectionist to the point that if I can't do it right (read perfect) then I don't want to do it at all. It's great to want to do good work but it's more important to do just that...work. So today, instead of waiting until I have a great new pic to post, I'll just post without a pic to practice what I preach to others. Robert Rodriguez, the movie director, (in regards to getting good at making movies) says that you have to think this way: You have 20 bad movies in you. Go ahead and make those movies and get them out of the way so you can get to making the good stuff. And in film school the motto was, "Don't get it right, get it written!" So it shall be.


  1. Done is the engine of more! What's that about each of use having a 1000 bad drawings/paintings/photos/pontifications within each of us? Then there is the old cartoonists mantra: Your paid to pencil, not to erase!
