Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I was supposed to spend the day in Kindergarten with my 6 yr old daughter today. But when my 3 yr old came down with a stomach virus in the middle of the night, I knew that both of us would be severely disappointed as I would have to stay home and be Super Daddy. It was heartbreaking to see her drive off with tears in her eyes as she begged me to go. Everyone needs to learn to deal with disappointment, but I wonder how this will be processed in her little pscyche and how it might shape her later.

It really puts things in perspective. I've been disappointed many times, lately with missed opportunities, lost jobs, materialism, sluggish career...etc. I have to wonder how that compares to a 6 yr old's disappointment at her father, all the while I know that it doesn't. In 20 years I won't remember that job that went away or that celebrity I didn't get to meet. Now the only thing to do is try and make things right. Chucky Cheese, anyone?

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